Our Events

Spiritual Spa Day

23rd August
9.45am to 3.30pm

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A day for women. Our focus for these special summer Spiritual Spa Days is ‘Restore and Renew’ taking time out to reflect back on our experiences during these tumultuous last 18 months, to acknowledge and process our anxieties and losses and then allow the Lord to refresh and strengthen us for what lies ahead. The day will include times of guided reflection, led prayer, silence, music and creativity to enable you to respond in your own way to each of the themes we will be exploring together.

To make a reservation please contact St Columba’s House email: admin@stcolumbashouse.org.uk

*We anticipate high demand, so two dates have been set aside: Thursday 19th August and and Monday 23rd August 2021.*

About the Leader
Tricia Phillips is part of the local branch of Wholeness Through Christ. Her Spiritual Spa days are always very popular, book early to avoid disappointment.

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Led by

Tricia Phillips


5 hours 45mins


£30 to including lunch

Booking Enquiry

    please select the date


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