Our Events

‘Returning from Exile’ A day of reflection with Revd Haydon Wilcox

19th July
10am - 3pm

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A Quiet Day to support people to get back into the world from lockdown, whilst learning to live with Covid 19.

In our biblical tradition returning from exile is a strong theme. The Quiet Day will explore this theme and will offer the opportunity to share, reflect, to be spiritually fed and to gain encouragement. 

The Day will be led by our acting Chaplain, Revd Haydon Wilcox. Many will already know Haydon from the successful events he has led at St Columba’s House over the years. He will be drawing on his years of experience both in parish ministry and in mental health work to encourage participants to move “back into the world” with confidence. The event will be held in the large Chapel at St Columba’s House and in the peaceful grounds.

To make a reservation please contact St Columba’s House email: admin@stcolumbashouse.org.uk


(Covid safe procedures will be in place. Numbers will be limited to 16, masks will be worn, seating will be at social distance and rooms will be well ventilated (you may wish to bring a jumper if it isn’t a warm day).

*We anticipate high demand, so two dates have been set aside: Monday 7th June and Monday 12th July 2021.*

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Led by

Revd Haydon Wilcox


5 hours


£30 (Packed lunch provided)

Booking Enquiry

    please select the date


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