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‘Mindfulness & Meditation Made Simple’ Session 1: Benefits of Mindfulness, Fruits of Meditation

22nd February
7 - 9pm

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Mindfulness simply means paying attention to our experience in the present moment. Meditation, prayer of heart is said to be  a ‘subtle journey of consciousness from the mind to the heart’ Five connecting sessions to revive, refresh or try for the first time. Come to one or all, everyone welcome.

Session 1. Benefits of Mindfulness, Fruits of Meditation
Evidence shows that mindfulness practice can help us to feel present for more of our lives; to choose our actions more wisely and to boost our well-being and compassion for self and others.

Meditation changes the way we see ourselves. St Paul calls the harvest of the spirit or the fruits of the Spirit ‘love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, fidelity, gentleness and self-control’  (Gal 5:22-23). In this session we combine the two using Mindfulness practice to enhance our spiritual journey.

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Led by

Suzette Jones


2 hours


£10 per session or £50 for the whole course

Booking Enquiry

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