Our Events

Dance Day- Lord Change Me

3rd March
9:30am- 4pm

“Lord change me”
Romans12,v1-2 “Be transformed by the renewal of your mind” A Lent workshop exploring the theme of the chorus “Lord I come to you, let my heart be changed, renewed ”.

No previous experience of dance or movement in worship is necessary. This workshop will be a “safe place” in which to observe and experience different ways of moving in worship, to help us explore the theme of the day “Lord change me”.

Singing and movement to choruses and some very gentle easy to learn group dances or circle dances will be demonstrated and taught. There will also be opportunities to experiment with the use of flags and ribbons in worship. Participants can work at their own pace and there will be times for rest and reflection on the Bible passages in between the movement.

Bring your own packed lunch.

*Please wear footwear and clothing suitable for movement and bring a Bible and notebook. If you do have any flags or ribbons please feel free to bring them along, but equipment will be provided.

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Led by

Judith Scott


6.5 hours



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