August’s monthly drop-in Christian Mindfulness & Meditation will take place in the morning and use the garden at St Columba’s House for a walking meditation, pausing at the visiting icon of the ’Woman at the Well’ for reflection. All are welcome, regardless of faith or experience.
Meditation is about paying attention. The secular call it mindfulness. Christian tradition speaks about it as living in the present moment, or practising the presence of God (Laurence Freeman, OSB). How might we use this Christian tradition of practicing the presence of God, so desperately needed in our stressed-out world? These monthly sessions are to share practice, bringing a practical perspective to using Mindfulness & meditation as part of daily prayer & life.
Suzette Jones RN
Lifelong Christian meditator and Mindfulness teacher of over ten years, Suzette facilitates sessions which are open to all regardless of faith or none.
Suzette Jones
1.5 hours
Donation Only (tea and coffee included)
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