Our Events

Care Companion at End of Life

12th June
Monday 2.00pm - 4.00pm

Like to know more about caring for your loved one when they become dependent on you through illness, or frailty, at end of life, should they choose to die at home? This informal informative talk offers an understanding to the changing stages when someone is deteriorating and how best to care for and vigil the dying.

Led by: Daphne Bleach
Daphne Bleach, a Christian, whose nursing career spans over 40 years within hospice and home care, is now part of ‘ Soul Midwives’ a service offering help and support to people and families as their loved one approaches end of life.

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Led by

Daphne Bleach


2.00pm to 4.00pm
2 Hours


Donations Welcome. Includes tea, coffee & cake Please book your place in advance.

Booking Enquiry

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